Lulu the Swainson’s
This is Lulu, my Swainson’s toucan, that I got from EFBG only a few months ago. I had expressed my desire to purchase a baby next season and Jerry told me about a super tame 2 year old one available now. So, I decided to go see her. After a tour of all the amazing birds on his property I was taken to the nursery were Lulu was. We brought her into the house so I could get acquainted with her. I wasn’t sure she was going to like me, but she sure loved Jerry. So, I thought I’d get her and give it a try.
Well, within a day this bird was my new buddy. She is incredibly playful. It’s hard to get her to be still. I decided to take her to one of my outreach programs. It was “Pirate Days” at the local elementary school. She loved it. Since then she’s been to Schools, Scout meeting, assisted living homes, a few parties, pet fairs and bird club meetings
Having a toucan is like being a kid and having your favorite toy come to life